A few days ago

Ebonics, should we teach it in schools and why?

I think this was a preposterous proposal by the California school boards, would like to hear your comments.

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Also, we should learn Indian English and Chinese English. They’re not only insanely inaccurate, they’re also funny. We should ban English English from schools.

(I hope that you understood what I was, in fact, trying to say.)


A few days ago
I agree with you – it is preposterous to teach a non-standard version of English. If we begin teaching slang languages, we loose the continuity and structure in our language. In addition, this would be a great dis-service to the students. How many employers have ebonics as a check box? Do book stores have a ebonics section? This would hamper the students in the future greatly. Oh, and by the way, how many universities offer classes in ebonics?

A few days ago
You are right it is wrong, if the people are uneducated they can be controlled. Democrat tactic.