A few days ago
Angela H

Does anyone have the 3rd grade A Beka spelling book?

My son has spelling homework and he forgot his list at school.He is on list 4, please help!

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago
Stacie S

Favorite Answer

List 4 Spelling Words:

clown, closet, cleanser, tablecloth, clock, clockwise, clumsy, flagpole, flame, flannel, flesh, flower, flavor, butterfly, gleam, glory, globe, glaring, glad, glance, addend, minuend, subtrahend, difference, autumn, zoology: the study of animals, vibrate: to move rapidly back and forth, scamper: to run quickly.


4 years ago
Abeka Spelling

5 years ago
Your question is phrased in an incomprehensible manner. I have no idea what ‘Beka’ or ‘list 30’ are. It is unlikely that the action of a 3rd grader losing a spelling book for a little while will result in severe disciplinary, academic, or financial consequences.

6 years ago
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Does anyone have the 3rd grade A Beka spelling book?
My son has spelling homework and he forgot his list at school.He is on list 4, please help!