A few days ago

Starting Speeches?

I have to say a speech but I don’t know how to START it. Everybody I’m saying my speech to already knows my name, so I don’t wan’t to start out with ” Hi, I’m (my name)” or anything like that. So… how should I start it?

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Start your speech with the most dramatic fact you have found out about your subject. Something to wake up the audience.

Then, you can elaborate on that fact, or lead up to it and come around to making it your ending as well as your beginning.


Did you know that you can get through high school in just three years!

I wish I had known this when I was a freshman in high school. Just think, I would have finished a whole year of college by now instead of being just a freshman.

Here is how I could have done it . . . .



But here I am, and I missed out on entering college early.

I agree with John Greenleaf Whittier who penned the lines “For of all sad words of tongue or pen,

The saddest are these: `It might have been!'”

But – your teacher may have given you a specific format for your speech. If that is true, you need to faithfully follow her format.



A few days ago
in my speech class everyone asked a retorical (sp) question for each speech. like if u wrote a speech about chinchillas i would say ” who has ever seen a chinchilla ” then u just start talking about them. but i was only in junior high and it might be too kiddish for u. if ur older

A few days ago
What’s your speech about? Your introduction should be relevant to the subject.