A few days ago

Balancing a basketball on your finger……???

I’ve noticed that you cant just simply balance a basketball on your finger…. but if you spin it, it balances pretty well…..

Is there a reason why a ball balances best, on your finger, when its spinning???

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

This can be explained with Physics. Without getting into all the horrible math :

It has to do with something called the “gyroscopic effect”, which is based on the pricipal of conserving “angular momentum” which stablizes the position of the ball only when rotating.

This is the same principal as riding a bike. It is much easier to stay balanced when the wheels are rotating.

(You can get a better explanation in a high school physics text book.)


A few days ago
has something to do with the centre of mass…wen u r spinning the ball if you contrive to balance it at its centre of mass it stays

A few days ago
razcku zhewicx
well i think it is because of the spinning… and it depends on how fast or slow you spin the ball. and it also on how you control it.