A few days ago

Should they get a detetion?

Ok. here is how this story goes. Student 1 had a rubber band. Student 1 told student 2 to hold a piece of paper in the air. Stundent 1 flicks the paper with the rubber band, and both students get a detetion. I am on no one side, but i think student 2 should not get a detetion. All he did was hold a paper up, DOES ANYONE AGREE?— All student 2 did was hold a piece of paper!

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Both students are equally at fault. You know darn well that student two KNEW student one was up to something he shouldn’t be.

As to whether or not the infraction deserves a detention, I would say a lot depends on how much they act up in class. If they are constant trouble makers, have received warnings, then yeah, a detention is definitely warranted. If that was the FIRST infraction (no talking when others were, doing what they were told, etc.) then maybe a detention was too severe.


A few days ago
Did student 2 ever stop and ask “why?” To get detention? Maybe the teacher is trying to scare other kids. I probably would have said something first, then detention if they acted up again. BTW I am not a teacher.

A few days ago
I think detention is a little severe for so tiny of an infraction. Good grief! Is it military school? I would hate to see what happened if they actually did something really bad!

A few days ago
i think that both of them deserves a detention because if student 2 didnt want to get in trouble he shouldnt have held up the paper.People should be responcible for their actions if someone tells u to jump off a bridge u have a choice to do it or not to do it. if u jump off the bridge and die, its your own falt.