A few days ago
wakeboarding <3

sentance fragments?? HELp ty <3!!?

The octopus is one of the smartest sea creatures it is about as smart as a cat

Most divers aren’t afraid of octopuss, in face, divers enjoy meeting them.

Octopuses like to be left alone they are often bothered my scuba divers

correct if wrong plz

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago
Pamela B

Favorite Answer

You need to learn about semicolons, which are used to put two complete sentences together when the two phrases could also stand alone as complete sentences (noun and verb present.)

Octopus like to be left alone; they are often bothered by scuba divers.

Please check your attempt to pluralize octopus. Your first sentence is also in need of a semicolon, but it is uninteresting and incomplete. How smart is a cat? You need to further expand it.

You’ve got misspellings in your second sentence.


A few days ago
The octopus is one of the smartest sea creatures. It is about as smart as a cat

Most divers aren’t afraid of octopuses, in fact, divers enjoy meeting them.

Octopuses like to be left alone. They are often bothered my scuba divers


A few days ago
The octopus is one of the smartest sea creatures; it is about as smart as a cat.

Most divers aren’t afraid of octopuses; in fact, divers enjoy meeting them.

(You could also use . instead of ; if you prefer.)

Octopuses like to be left alone, but they are often bothered by scuba divers.