A few days ago

How is it easier to ask here than to just use google???

Or any search engine? I don’t understand why people ask questions here that could be much more easily answered by simply googling or cracking open a book (heaven forbid).

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

I think it is because some people feel that there is some degree of human interaction by asking here. Also, some people are better than others at actually finding the information on the internet, and can figure out better phrases to use in the search, and so get better information.

A few days ago
Some people are ignorant (that is, they don’t know how to use a search engine. I know, unbelievable, but true.) Some people don’t have the time (or don’t want to take the time) to weed through all of the different websites and just want the facts. Some people are just plain lazy. Some people are in it more for the camaraderie than the actual answers. And some people are just smart asses.

As a top contributor, you already know the answer. That’s how you got where you are. And isn’t it comforting to know that you’re so much smarter (or more diligent, or more friendly, or whatever) than 85% of the population?


A few days ago
There are some questions that Google can’t answer.

If no one asked questions and ran off to Google for the answer you wouldn’t be a top contributer.


A few days ago
It’s not, but it’s more fun. And there are some questions which google wouldn’t answer satisfactorily (yours, for example).