A few days ago

about how long does it take Mary-Jane to get out of your system???

i’m not really a pothead but once in a blue moon i do alittle puff puff, and well i have a drug test for a job interview in about 2 days, and im sitting here wondering about how long will it take for it to be out of my system, so that i can pass a drug test???? oh yea the last time i did it was about 2 weeks ago!!!! (um….im pretty sure it takes more than a couple of weeks so im not that clueless! lol.)

please no one put any dumb answers and **** like that!!!! thanks!!! 🙂

Top 5 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Well, you’re probably going to not pass the drug test because marijuana is one of the drugs that lingers in your system for weeks, even months, at a time. It stays in the fatty tissue in your body and eventually gets “flushed” out after a long time.

They say that marijuanna detox drinks work, but I wouldn’t know. Just pee frequently and it should go away faster, but don’t count on passing the test.


A few days ago
No one mentioned a hair test so I will. Herbal preparations may mask traces in a urine test, but as far as i know drugs/poisons/chemicals you have ingested/been exposed to will show in your hair as a permanent record with no way (I don’t know for certain) to remove the traces. It’s not just the hair on your head, but all over your body. It is actually possible to rebuild a time line of exposure/use pattern from it, as done in cases where people have died/been killed in that manner. (from chemicals/poisons, not pot, lol)

Ibuprofen use is known to show a false positive, putting that on your form may be a smokescreen for occaisional use but I would not guarantee it. An occaisional smoker I knew years ago managed to pass all his tests merely by drinking lots of water, ( I think he said a gallon a day) but I couldn’t tell you whether it was dilution of urine or just helping flush it out of his body.

Long ago the rule of thumb was 6 weeks for the body to naturally get it out of your system, but I don’t know of any scientific eveidence, and also think that’s before anyone realized it could be stored in your body fat.


A few days ago
No like with the help of lots of vinegar,,,,and cranberry juice,,,,it took me 1 week, and i got the job. There is also something that is sold at GNC, named Detoxify, it really work. My uncle is a true weed-head and he passes all of his drug test using this stuff. Its is really thick, and nasty. And how it works is that u take it at least 2 hours before you test,,,and u urinate. Then when u have to take the test the pot,,,and the detoxify does not show up. It last up to five hours.

A few days ago
there is much fear on the matter

thing is the hemp embassy has tested the kits anf found them faulty

apparently 15 vegetables have cannabinols ,[even trace elements of other higher powders] the tests are faulty because they need to discount these other ”faulse positivesx”

as a casual drug user it is unlikly to show up [unles your losing weight] its safly hidden in your fat cells ,also have plenty of water before the test is dilutes any drug to trace elements

if urine drug test sample mid stream [not the start [any drug goes out first ,or is squezed out last ,by and large the test kits [and cures are a fraud] ,but when they are sent away ,they can play any game the like , because you gave them permission

they need a court order [unless you cllaim to be a citizen , by the words you utter


A few days ago
here is a GREAT way to pass the drug test, it never fails and works 100% of the time. plus its simple. just DONT DO DRUGS and i can promise you that you’ll pass the drug test 🙂