A few days ago

I need a social studies fair project and soon!?

Im a female middle school student who loves fashion and i need a social studies project and i really want it to be based on shopping is there any projects you all can think of? Please help! but if you have any that dont have anything to do with fashion its fine run them past me anyway, please! I’m open for suggestions! Thanks a bunch!

Top 5 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

I find Japanese culture and street fasion fascinating. You could research and compare trends such as cosplay, Gothic and Lolita, Ganguro, Gyaru, and Kogal.

A few days ago
maybe you can compare the average clothing budget of different countries and see how it compares to the us? take a look at what is considered essential, how much it costs on average, what most people in the different countries actually get for the money? maybe head to the library or barnes and noble and get some international fashion magazines for a starting point on research?

or dissect the garment manufacturing process from like the sweatshops to the racks and compare sweatshop garmets to fair trade garments? quality wise, availibility, price, etc?


A few days ago
you may want to do a report of the different fasion styles they have in different countries like in china, france, england and mexico.teachers love it when there are visual aids to so you may want to print out a picture or even dress up for the occasion.

4 years ago
in case you’re having a lot worry, why are you interior the instructions? in case you want to diminish back out of honors for a lengthy time period confer which include your mothers and fathers about it. in case you favor to stay in honors, i’d attempt to get a coach or spend extra time which include your instructor.

A few days ago
Do something with a budget…..how much will you have left for shopping? This has to do with Economics…