A few days ago
*Ninja w/ awesome pirate powers*

What is the average weight of a horse?

I am doing a “project” in science and I need to know a few things. Can you help me? I need answers in the next 30 min.


What is the average weight?

What is the common height and length?

What is the most common color?

What is its body covering?

How does a horse breathe?

How many babies does it have at a time on average?

What do the babies look like?

How do they travel?

Where do they live?

Migrate or hibernate?

warm or cold blooded?

Herbavore, carnivore, or omnivore?

How do they get their food?

How do they protect themselves?

House Cat:

What is the average weight?

What is the common height and length?

What is the most common color?

What is its body covering?

How does it breathe?

How many babies does it have at a time on average?

What do the babies look like?

How do they travel?

Where do they live?

Migrate or hibernate?

warm or cold blooded?

Herbavore, carnivore, or omnivore?

How do they get their food?

How do they protect themselvs?

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer


A few days ago
The Chairman Of Jazzy Films
Depends on the horse

Depends on the horse

Depends on the horse


With its lungs you ******* retard


They look for it and then eat it

Naturally a herbavore, domesticated omnivore

By kicking and biting

House cat

Depends on the cat

Depends on the cat

Depends on the cat

Hair or fur, depending on the cat

Depends on the cat

Depends on the cat

Depends on the cats owner

Depends on the cats owner


Warm blooded


Thier owners feed them

ADT Security alarm

Are you american or too lazy to find out for yourself because this is almost as bad of a source as wikipedia


A few days ago
Mark S
The answers to almost all of your questions will depend on the breed. It sounds like you are young and waited until the last minute to do your homework. Don’t expect us to do it for you. Go to the library and pull out the encyclopedia.

7 years ago