A few days ago

what does an apple a day keeps the doctor away mean to you?

what does an apple a day keeps the doctor away mean to you?

Top 5 Answers
A few days ago
Beautiful Disaster

Favorite Answer

To me it means that if you eat right (no candy bars 2 or 3 times a day) and excersise reguarly, that you will not have to go to the doctor as much.

A few days ago
It means if you eat apples you will be healthier. Put down the Snickers bars tubbies and eat some fresh fruit.

A few days ago
I would say it means the healthier you are the less you have to go see the doctor.

Hope I helped!

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A few days ago
Eat more apples and it helps keep you healthy. I don’t like that saying however because my nickname is Apple and people say they are going to eat me.

A few days ago
carol p
It means that your gonna be healty and that you won’t get sick often that you won’t be going to the doctor. It flushes out your system and helps keep bad things out of your system.