A few days ago

social studies homework issue.?

i’m so confused with furguring out latitude and longitude

like i know how to find out the degrees but telling whether its north south east or west just confuses me.

my teacher hasnt gone over this much.

if anyone can help that would be great!!!!

Top 6 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Probably the easiest and most accurate way to find out anything about longitude and latiiude would be to look at a globe or flattened out map of the world. If you don’t have one the library will. It will show all the lines of both longitude and latitude, degrees and you can see if it’s north or south of the equator.

I’m with you kid! I hated this part of Social Studies, but later you’ll appreciate knowing these things or at least where to find them when you need to know.


A few days ago
It is time to explain.

When you look at a map you will see line going from the top to the bottom. These are lines of longitude (Remember long). They are also called meridians.

The major line to remember is the Prime (or major) Meridian

The Prime Meridian is located in Greenwich England because that was the place of a major observatory. Any line of longitude to the left or west of the Prime Meridian is called west longitude. Any line to the right of the Prime Meridian is called east longitude.

There are also lines on a map going from the left to the right. These lines are lines of latitude. The major line of latitude to remember is the equator which is in the middle between the North and South poles. The equator is 0 Degrees. Any line that is above the equator and parallel to it is north latitude. Any line that is below the equator and parallel to it is south latitude.

You should take a world map that shows longitude and latitude or a globe and look at it while studying the above.

Good luck.


A few days ago
The total mouth
The equator is a latitude and objects on the equator have a latitude of zero degrees. While latitude lines run East-West, they actually measure how far north or south of the equator something is. Longitude is the sideways version of latitude. The Prime Meridian is the zero degree mark of latitude, with latitude lines running North-South around the globe. All latitude lines intersect at the north and south poles. While latitude lines run North-South, they actually measure how far east or west an object is from the Prime Meridian.

Hope that helps!


A few days ago
Hey Amanda! Longitude is like “long and tall” – the up and down parallel lines on the globe. Latitude is the parallel lines that are laying down on the globe – horizontal. North or south reference is based on where your point is in relation to the Equator. North,is above the Equator, then South is below the Equator.

A few days ago
North is up. South is down. West is left. East is right.

A Map has a compass. N S W E. haha.


A few days ago
have you never herd of google?