A few days ago
Liar Liar 901

Senior Exit Project topics??

In my high school, i’m required to do a project in order to graduate. the project includes a research paper, 15 hours of field work, and i need to make a product. and for my research paper, i have to come up with some type of thesis statement/question.

i have an idea for a topic, but i cant come up with the thesis. the topic i came up with is how to play the violin. an example of a thesis statement/question [i’m not allowed to use it though D:<]: What type of equipment could be developed to help protect and perhaps prevent twisting/fracture of the ankle when skateboarding? i'm also required to have a mentor, but the bad part about this is that i'm not allowed to pay him/her. help please?

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Generally, most senior projects are not about learning a new skill such as “how to play a musical instrument” or “how to ski, snowboard, etc”. you’ll find it easier if you think of an educational process. The idea about lowering the skateboard accident rate is good – but probably won’t work unless you already have something in mind…… and if you do – go for it.

Generally, they want to see you do something that makes you into a more caring, concerned citizen of the world….or at least your community. Perhaps a topic like: establishing a community skateboard park – or if you already have a park – extending the park, getting more kids to use it.

You could address the topic with a community meeting and take ideas, get skateboarders together to dream up some alternatives, take your ideas back to the city, work on a plan towards something, try to get community leaders on board, and maybe get something through your city council to support it.

This is exactly what one student did for a senior project in our community – and 10 years later, the park is still there, is still used, and everyone is happy. He got it built in 6 months – and the community agrees if it was not for the students, we’d still be studying the idea.

This type of project shows how you grow as a person, and bridges the gap from student to community member.

Good luck


5 years ago
I want to do my senior exit project on something about cars. Ideas?