A few days ago

i stink at spanish?

im trying so hard to pass but i cant seem to… i probally now have a D and we arent even doing the hard stuff… in class i got so depressed that i knew nothing that i could barely do anything.

Im just wondering should i try and just stay in class… or get out while i still can and get a mark saying i got an F

Im trying but im just giving up, i try my hardest but i feel so stupid… what should i do?

Top 7 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Don’t give up! It is always better to try (even a D is better than a F).

What level are you in and how far are you in the year? I have taken Spanish for 4 years and then visited Spain. I am willing to help you, so email me ([email protected]) if you need any help!

You need to review all words, tenses, rules, etc every night, even if there isn’t a test. Practice speaking it with other classmates/friends and to your parents (even if they don’t understand!). If you keep speaking and repeating it, you will learn more.

I have to admit, you must be at least a little interested in learning a language. If you aren’t, a language class will be hard for you. Try to enjoy it!

Good luck!


A few days ago
I think that you can learn Spanish. Look at it this way: if you can learn English, you can learn Spanish (english is the hardest lang. to learn). And you were probably a baby or young toddler when you learned english. How did you learn English? Probably from hearing people around you talk, and talking when you understood. I bet you that if you watch Spanish television shows and try to understand what they say then you will get better. Even understanding words like “hola” and “como estas” is getting somewhere. Don’t give up!

A few days ago
Depends: How important is this class to you? How important is learning Spanish?

If it’s really important, then stay in. Have you ever used the Diglot Weave method? I find it to be the most efficient method for learning foreign languages. You know how you use context clues to find out the meanings of words in English? Diglot Weave applies that method (context clues) to learn words in other languages. For example, it would say “They played by the yellow /Haus/ in the /Strabe/. The other houses on the street were also yellow.”

You can see that “Haus” means “House” and the word “Strabe” means “Street” by the context clues in this sentence (don’t worry, the stories using Diglot Weave are a lot more interesting). The best thing about Diglot Weave is that you learn the words sub-consciously so it doesn’t require much effort on your part. I find the best curriculum that offers Diglot Weave is PowerGlide.


A few days ago
to learn a new language you need to study at least one hour extra everyday. you should not give up because knowing another language will set you apart from other people.

i was teaching english and it was real difficult for my students, but they never gave up.

check out the mexican/spanish/latin american culture. i think this will help you not give up because you will find something you like. if you like rock music, check out panda.

spanish is my second language and i started learning around 7. then in h.s. i took some classes that helped me with my grammar. grammar can be hard. so, i suggest to study the grammar… like read it and understand when la, el, tu or usted is used.

good luck.


5 years ago
the word by word break down would be “tu español huele mal” but i dont think you want that one, the one you might be looking for is “tu español es muy malo” your spanish is very bad, or “tu español es horrible” your spanish is horrible

A few days ago
ask the teacher for help or go earlier than students and ask if she can help you. or go to tutoring at school or online.

A few days ago
keep trying…dont give up!

get xtra help and if you STILL cant do it then maybe idk i dont wanna say give up…but try until you can