A few days ago

can some1 simplify the following paragraph:?

1 A True US Patriot realizes if the rights of one are violated, the rights of all are at risk, and objects to any attempt to alter the Constitution in order to specifically undermine the rights and freedoms of others, ensuring that the Constitution will never be amended to endorse discrimination of any kind.

2 A True US Patriot holds the founding principles of the Declaration of Independence to be self-evident, and defends the Constitutional rights of others even when those rights conflict with personal and religious beliefs; believing that all men are created equal, even in times of war, the basic principles of humanity apply not only to one group of people or nation, but to all.

3 A True US Patriot supports the checks and balances within the three branches of government and rejects any attempts to circumvent or undermine them.

4 A True US Patriot exercises the right to openly challenge and hold accountable at all times, even and most particularly in times of war, those who do not honor their oaths of office, who purposely mislead the nation, who abdicate responsibility when those in their employ are caught engaging in criminal and unethical activities, and who fail to serve the nation with integrity.

5 A True US Patriot recognizes the contributions of the older generation and values the potential of the next, and that in order to promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves, our elders, and our Posterity, we must ensure that the basic rights of those we hold dear to access quality healthcare and education is steadfastly supported, uncompromisingly and without discrimination based on race, color, creed, gender, or orientation.

6 A True US Patriot believes that human rights are inherent to the human condition and should not be given to non-living entities; the rights of corporations should not equal or exceed the rights of any individual, and the right to fair and equal trade as well as fair and equal pay are a vital part of those expectations.

7 A True US Patriot recalls that our citizens consist of the tired and the poor, huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the ‘wretched refuse’, and homeless, tempest-tossed people, and welcomes fair and balanced immigration with managed borders to ensure an open policy while maintaining and increasing security for both those who would call this land their home as well as those who already dwell within.

8 A True US Patriot respects the personal religious choices of others, refrains from imposing their own beliefs upon others, refuses to support war in the name of religion, and offers foreign humanitarian aid unconditionally without tying it to religious dogma.

9 A True US Patriot knows that due process of law and the protections against illegal search and seizure are core principles upon which our nation is founded, and the respect of an individual’s right to privacy and security within their own home is critical to the preservation of our freedom.

10 A True US Patriot respects the diversity and culture of all nations, recognizing that our continued success lay not in spite of other nations but in alliance with them in a uniform approach toward promoting the global general welfare

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

1. the good people will look out for the rights of them selves and as well as everyones elses.

2. The good citiztens basicly no that the Declaration is correct and are loyal to it and that beleveie in everything in it and defend its purpose.

3. They no that goverements system is good and they have nothing to worry about.

4. The good ppl will give them selves up for war for the country and the bad people will be who fail to sereve there country will be put to jail.

5. That you should respect each and every generation from old to young must repect everyone. cause they will be hte next generation.

6. thats rights are important and shouldnt be given to non human things. everyone should have ewual rights.

7. everyone in this land belongs here and no one should discrimated cause everyone is welcome

8. repcts everyone religion

9. will follow the laws.

10. repecst all culutres and our country

wow that was alot hope it helped lol


4 years ago
YEAH I seen THAT formerly yet answer quite LIES in this: Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtist, it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be interior the rghit pclace. The rset might want to be a taotl mses and also you are able to sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos no longer raed ervey lteter by utilizing istelf, besides the undeniable fact that the as a wlohe.

A few days ago
helmut UK
that is a goddamned paragraph??

put simply, the first section numbered 1 is a paragraph.

the inclusion of 2 to 10 make it a chapter grl.



A few days ago
Yes, you can…………check yourself for “run-on” sentences and condense……the word “and” appears TOO often.