A few days ago

Math questions. Please Help!!!?

Select and perform an operation to answer the question.

1. What is the sum of -3 and 2?

2. What is the sum of -6 and -2?

3. What is the difference of 4 and 9?

4. What is the difference of -4 and -3?

5. What is the product of -4 and 5?

6. What is the product of -6 and -3?

7. What is the quotient of 49 and -7?

8. What is the quotient of -21 and -7/3?


Top 6 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

It would have been quicker for you to just do your own homework than to type all of this in….wait for answers……then have to do it yourself anyway…….you need to learn this stuff to function in the real world as anything other than a hobo.

A few days ago
1 negative one -1 sum means add

2 -8

3 -5 difference means subtract

4 minus four minus a negative three is -1

the problem changes to add +3 to -4 to get -1

5 product means multiply so -4 x 5 = -20

a plus times a minus gives minus

6 aminus times a minus gives a + so plus eighteen

7 quotient means divide so 49 / -7 = 7

like -7 x -7 += 49

8 quotient means division the / or _ is the sign of division

so the problem is read: (negative 21) divided by ( negative

seven over three)

dividing by -7/3 is the same as multiplying by 3/-7

that’s the part you have to remember

so -21 x -7/3

would you let me

multiply -21 x -1/3 and get 7 then multiply by 7 for 49


49 is correct


A few days ago
To get the sum of two or more numbers like in question 1…you would add. To find the difference between 2 numbers you would subtract. To find the product of 2 numbers you would multiply. And finally, To find the quotient is to divide. So when the directions ask you to “select and perform an operation”… they mean to choose from adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing. Good luck…and watch your positive and negatives!

A few days ago
Are you serious? You managed enroll in Yahoo ANSWERS and don’t know what -3+2 is? Or is it only the strange wording that throws you off? In that case:

sum od a and b means a+b

difference of a and b means a-b

product of a and b means a*b

quotient of a and b means 1/b


A few days ago
The sum of two numbers means add them together.

The difference of two numbers means take the first number and subtract the second number.

The product of two numbers means multiply them together.

The quotient of two numbers means take the first number and divide it by the second number.


A few days ago
Brian M








sum = addition

difference = subtraction

product = multiplication

quotient = division