A few days ago

in your own words?

what is your *unique* definition of history.

Top 5 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

A collection of world events that have affected the course of humanity since the first human walked on two feet.

Note that every country has it’s own history, which may or may not be pertinent to world events.


A few days ago
james c
History is like ONLY the coolest thing ever! Well, maybe not locally…………

Think of it as a soap opera… you know…. if you just turn it on one day- you are SO lost… and if its not one you watch…. well then you don’t know the characters- the plot sucks- you are still lost.

So, anyway, in school they give you the crib note version of history to maybe light your fire in one particular area… see, then as classes progress, and you’ve chosen your story the plot unfolds…. reasons why some one was murdered, the diabolical nature of a woman who NEEDED to remain in power of a nation — a boy king ….

See, ya pick American history and you can follow a young G. Washington through his days as a scout in the wilds of Virginia and how he embarked on a favorable career with money by running off settlers at gunpoint along the river banks to make room for commerce.(staking out plenty for himself, of course)

Or you could pick the Russian revolution and the murder of the czar and his entire family- you could live in Russia before and after the czars discover the people – some by name – some nobody , like Anne Frank and you can walk a mile in their shoes – IF YOU ARE BRAVE ENOUGH

You don’t have to be brave … you could study the American West (wild)

The reason we look at history – they say if you forget it ; you repeat it. I don’t hold with that as much as I marvel that all of this stuff has happened FOR REAL to real people. People you could know if you would look into their eyes… if you would read history


A few days ago
in one word it is “boring”. Who cares what happend in the past. Look into the future. The future lies ahead.

A few days ago
The story of mankind; What has happened.

A few days ago
what you have lived through and lessons from the past that impact your view on life.