A few days ago

invisible man by ralph ellison?

Hi, I need help with my essay. It asks me to analyze why the narrator would seem crazy to those around him but his madness could make sense. However, the problem I have is that, I do not see him as crazy at all. He seems completely reasonable. What did he do that would seem crazy? That is what I am really confused about.

Here is the essay prompt in full:

Madness is a common subject in many works of literary merit. Although a character may seem crazy to those around them, their madnesss not only may make sense but could quite possibly be an appropriate response to their situation. In a short essay, analyze how the main character’s madness could be justified as reasonable.

Top 1 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

ok its been a long time since I read this book but heres my idea though it may not make sense. the invisible man may have seemed mad to everyone around him but not to him so therefore his morals were different from everyone elses. so he didnt think he was crazy but everyone else did. hope this helps