A few days ago

I really need help setting up my essay?

Basically I have to wright a very nice essay for english class. This paper is very important to my grade and the teacher is an extremely tough grader. The essay has to be about a minimum of three hardships the puritans faced while comeing to America, < weather its befor the left for america, on their way to america, or once they got to America > I just need help setting this essay up. I mean how can i wright 5-7 sentences on one hardship.. How do make this essay really good and an A paper?

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

“The Puritans faced several hardships while (fill in the action).”

Now name the hardships you will write about.

Begin your opening paragraph with the hardship that was the least hard to deal with. Explain & elaborate.

Continue explaining each hardship in a paragraph in increasing order of difficulty.

In the concluding paragraph briefly touch upon each problem you just wrote on.

Hope this helps


A few days ago
First, decide which hardships you want to discuss in the essay. Then choose which order you would like to talk about the hardships. Perhaps if you are writing about what happened prior to the Puritans’ arrival to America, you may find in your reading/research that different hardships occurred at different times during the journey.

You may find it helpful to use an outline to organize the essay before you begin to write it. I noted a couple of websites below to help you with writing an outline.


A few days ago

-Religious Prejudice from England

-Running Out of food/finding food

-Horrible Ship Conditions

Look for more info on web sites.