A few days ago

How is geography and history related?

What is the main relationship that connects both geography and history together?

I really need help, ive got an assignment on it 🙁


Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Because world history is the story of human experience, it encompasses other human-centered disciplines such as anthropology, economics and geography. The relationship between history and geography is especially intimate.

Geography, concerned as it is with human-environment interaction, represents the spatial dimension of human activity while history represents the time dimension. Neither can be adequately understood in the absence of the other, so it only makes sense to study them together, especially at the pre-college level. Separating history and geography in school is arbitrary, anti-intellectual and ineffectual.




A few days ago
Distorted Mind
they are kinda related. long ago, we used to study HGC (History, Geography and Civics). that was one subject, just like Science. I guess it is because it is to do with the study of your country.

Geo: The physical landscape/ aspects of your country, and it’s situation at the moment.

History: The history of your country. Lets you know what happened in the past that has lead to the situation of your country now.


A few days ago
Geography is the only place history can happen.

A few days ago
Read (or watch the PBS video) for Guns Germs and Steel by geographer Jared Diamond. His newer book Collapse is also relevant. You can get a quick review of the theories here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guns,_Germs,_and_Steel