A few days ago

How do people earn money by using the stock market?

Please help me!!!

This is just for homework, but I don’t really know what a stock market is…

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Stock Market, like Wall Street, are places where investors buy and sell stocks of companies. Companies issue stocks for investors to share in the profits the company expects to make. Of course, not every company makes money.

How people earn money? Buy low, Sell high is one means. The other is to Sell high, Buy low.

If you take $100 and buy stock in a company whose stocks are selling for $10/share. You own 10 shares. If a lot of other people think that company is going to make lots of money, they may also buy stocks from that company. with lots of people buying and not enough stock available, the bidding for the few remaining stocks drive the price up, to say $15. However, some people might think the company will lose money, so they sell their stocks at $10-15. If you decide to sell your 10 shares of stock when the bidding reached $15, you’d get $150. You invested $100, but now have $150. If the stock goes up or down, you still earned a good profit of $50.

Now, if you really do think the stock is going to go down, you borrow someone else’s 10 shares of stock. you sell them at $15 a share, and get $150 for them. If the stock does go down, let’s say to $12 a share, you can buy ten shares for $120 and return them to the original person you borrowed from. This is a risky thing, because if the price of hte stock goes up, you have to have enough additional to repay the borrowed stock. you;d lose money since you bet it was going to go down.


7 years ago
It is quite evident that lots of ways on how to generate money are available. However, not of all these are considered to be effective and legal. As a result, more and more individuals are now taking interest in the world of investing. When one decides to invest in stock cash or commodities the very first step is to make oneself acquainted of various terminologies and know what differentiates a certain type of market from the other. Also it is essential to know which market can provide you best returns. It is a well known fact that stock market investing is very profitable. You only need to make yourself aware of practical stock cash tips in order to ensure success in stock market investing as well to reduce the risk and losses.

Here are some investing tips which you should consider when it comes to stock investing:
If you are not very much sure about your investment then don’t invest money which you can’t afford to lose. Invest a very nominal amount. Though, generally individuals think that stock investing is all about buying and selling of stocks in the stock market, but the volatility makes it risky so always remember not to buy nor sell stocks that you do not want to lose.

Never attempt to buy stocks depending on the stocks tips that you receive from unknown sources. This is significant, if you are doing an online kind of stock investing, it becomes vital to be remain extra cautious. This will help you stay away from scams present everywhere in the online world today.

Avoid purchasing stocks when the stock market first opens. This is crucial because the prices of stocks are believed to rise during the first hour. Be patient and wait until the market reaches a stable point.