A few days ago

How can I motivate myself to become the kid that always gets high grades?

Yeah, Right now i am in high school, 10th grade, most important year of highschool in my area. Yeah, I really want to get good grades, My average are 75-80%’s , not more, , all of my subjects are advanced. But there are 2 people in my class that gets 90% + average and believe or not, A GUY IN THE OTHER CLASS GOT 97%!!, i just often feel lazy,tired, or not in the mood for school work. yeah i dont find school exciting either, i force myself to do it so i can get a decent job in the future.. also my parents really want me to get high grades, 90 average, which i find is impossible, but they keep pushing me so i dont have to work 12 hours a day like them

how can i become nerds like them? i want to but then i get sick and tired

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

High grades are NOT the best predictor of a person’s success in the world.

Your grades are fine, and may only reflect someone who’s bored by the lack of interesting teaching methods employed by underpaid, undermotivated teachers and “one size fits all” school systems.

I know plenty of people who are very successful, but who didn’t get good grades in all their classes. If you have good ability to learn stuff that you’re interested in, THAT is what makes for success. That and having a personality that others don’t mind coming to work and interacting with – I also know of other people who got very high grades, and have rotten personalities and lack common sense, and they have not done very well in terms of job advancement, or even being able to keep a job.


A few days ago
Shat Splatterson
Honestly? Get a crap job. You’ll realize quickly the necessity for education and high grades. The more time you spend focusing on school at a young age, the less crap will fall on your head when you want to enjoy life.

A few days ago
First of all, dont think of it as BEING A NERD, you’re just thinking that good grades come from a bad rep. or social life, it’s not!!

A few days ago
do things that make you happy to reward yourself