A few days ago

Essay topic???

I have to write a persuasive essay on anything I want. It can be sarcastic so I’d rather do that to make it more interesting. Any fun interesting topics?

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

I’d totally go with a paper on why zombies shouldn’t just be negatively portrayed in movies. You can write about the softer side of the living dead… things like how zombie moms care for their zombie children just like human moms. Or how zombie dad’s work two jobs and still have time to do yard work around their zombie house.

Explain why we should see more of that kind of stuff in zombie movies!


A few days ago
☮♡♥ ツ
write about the stupid teacher that gave you this essay-that he/she shouldnt give any more essay projects!!! haha jk, but that would be funny!Just write about something fun, that you love and will make you and your classmates laugh! Make school fun!!!!!!!! Ive been trying to this year-i bought these really cool colorful binders one is like only one inch but whatever i use it for spanish- it is clear but has a pattern of hearts all over it-wicked cute! haha i just got totally off subject!

well have fun writing your essay!!

haha-that’ll be the day!

hope i helped!!!



A few days ago
Whether or not we should have daylight savings time…There is one state, I think that doesn’t have it (I think Arizona).

Some say it was to give farmers more daylight hours. Maybe that would be good to let the vampires have less night hours?