A few days ago

Hi can anybody tell me any good books on the Victorians and how they lived – social class and gender relations

thanks am doing my dissertation on jane eyre, great expectations and pride and prejudice on how accurately the novels depicts social class and gender in victorian or 19th century england

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Check out these books:

Gender at Work in Victorian Culture by Martin A. Danahay

Victorian Literature by Clarice Swisher

The Victorian debate: English literature and society by Raymond Chapman

Romanticism and Feminism by Anne K. Mellor

Promise Broken: Courtship, class and gender in Victorian England (0813916100 )

The Language of Gender and Class: Transformation in the Victorian Novel by Patricia Ingham

The Cambridge Companion to the Victorian Novel by Deirdre David

Most of them (if not all of them) include bibliographies, so you can find similar works by checking these lists for books that may support your thesis. If you need articles as well, I recommend the Project Muse and JStor Databases for info on Victorian class and gender in literature.


A few days ago
Funny!! Until I clicked in to read the rest of your question, those were the books I was going to recommend…. Let me get back to you….