A few days ago
Help find dirt on Adler for essay! Why isn’t M.J. Adler taken seriously by the academic establishments?
The more things that you can find, the better. I have taken the position of disagreeing with Adler that annotation is NOT indespensable to reading. I already have a LOT of good future paragraphs, but I want to finish my intro and my conclusion with a snooty punch. My original idea for the end of my into was, “No wonder Adler isnt taken seriously by the adacemic establismnents,” and I’m thinking of keeping that for the first. His essay, “Ho to Mark a Book” was humorous. He uses distion and persuasive tone to make the reader beleive, regardless of what he’s saying. So can anyone find dirt on him? Like, “He once said that God doesnt exist” or something racist. Anything like that. Gimme the quote, and then where it was from and when. That would be spectacular :D. Good luck!
(P.S. If there’s anyone out there that could periodically help me perfect my essays, you would be GREATLY appreciated. Please IM me, wiltzandrew1989 on Yahoo!, wiltzandrew on AIM and wiltzandrew MyspaceIM.)
Top 1 Answers
A few days ago
Favorite Answer
have you read his paper on how and why he and his group chose their new list of “great books” and why they dumped some and added others?
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