A few days ago

Examples of Flowering and Non-Flowering plants in the following Biomes?

I need to know an Example of Flowering and Non-Flowering plant for each of the following Biomes: Human Tropic Biome , Warm Temperate Biome and Outside Biomes.

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

this site lists all the biomes and either tells you the types of plants or from the info provided you can do a little more searching to figure it out.



4 years ago
The flowering flora produce seeds in a complicated organ the flower. The seed bearing ovary is observed by ability of leaves changed as petals and sepals, originating from a committed tissue on the stem. The term angiosperms for the flowering flora ability hidden seed. in assessment the nonflowering flora have reproductive gadgets that are produced in different modes. The gymnosperms are bare seed flora. The seed is usually formed in cones, with changed whorls of leaflike platforms. The pine, firs and cycads are examples. different nonflowering flora are talked approximately as cryptogams. those organisms do no longer produce seeds. The reproductive unit is a spore. The spores of a few flora are borne in a exceptional field talked approximately as the sporangium in mosses, bryophytes and ferns. The spores of algae and fungi at the instant are and returned borne in sporangia as wall enclosed cells or some having flagellated cells that have mobility.