A few days ago

English paper help?

For an English assignment, i need to write a 2-pg paper on the spiritual significance of “It’s A Wonderful Life” or “The Last Sin-Eater” (I go to a Christian school, so yes, this is an acceptable assignment.) I’m not asking you to write this thing for me, but do you have any ideas for it? Thank you for any suggestions.

Top 5 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

The Spiritual Significance of Its A Wonderful Life-George Bailey finds himself in a world of trouble when his Uncle Billy loses all of the banks money. This will cause George to lose everything he has worked so hard for and sacrficed for. George has led an honest life yet still seems like he is being punished. Clarence is sent to him as his guardian angel. Clarence shows him that his honest, hardworking and giving life has not gone unnoticed. Without his impact on others, many people would have had a much more difficult life. This shows that good will alwasy triimph over evil (Mr Potter) as long as there are good and loving people in the world. It is also an excellent example of “the golden rule”- George treated others with kindness and generosity, he made sacrifices for others and in the end, people did the same for him. This also has a karma element to it, although I dont know how Christian karma is.

IaWL shows us that we all have a place in the world and however unimportant our life way seem to us- we have important to countless other people and even though our impact on the world is unknown to us.


A few days ago
The Jimmy Stewart movie is about a man who is about to commit suicide, is saved by an angel, and learns how important he is to others. He has undergone a spiritual reawakening, similiar to what Scrooge undergoes in “A Christmas Carol.”

The movie begins in self-obsessed despair and ends in a glow of universal happiness.

As for the other story, I’m not familiar with it. But I love the other, and I will now look into it. Thank you for bringing it to my attention.


A few days ago
Go with “It’s a Wonderful Life”. You can expand on the golden rule, true faith, good deeds. If you can’t get 2 pages out of that, then use a larger print size.

4 years ago
I suck at thesis statements yet maximum instructors desire you to maintain on with this stupid format the place you divide your content into 3 sections or paragraphs. Then summarize each and each of those paragraphs into one statment that is composed of your view or hypothesis. so which you ought to do something like …. “Heroes in memories approximately romance have hugely diverse personalities which will nicely be verified via Georgio in tale #a million who became right into a fierce fighter, James Bond in tale #2 who became into continuously with a various woman, and Crapoza in tale #3 who waited till he became into 40 years previous to be with a woman.”

A few days ago
Maybe for “It’s a Wonderful Life” something about how God has a plan for everyone. That no matter how crazy and horrible your situation may be, it is necessary for something else positive to happen… Ya know, everything happens for a reason. Something along those lines.