A few days ago

Are turn/switch on/off used in computer language?

I am learning English. I studied those phrasal verbs from book : turn on/off, switch on/off. I looked up dictionary. It says :

turn on sth or turn sth on : to touch a switch so that a machine or a piece of electrical equipment starts to work, or to start a flow or supply of something [e.g. water, electricity]

Well, so, Can I use these verbs for the words below about computer. There’s no any information about it. But I sometimes see it. for example :

turn/switch on/off italics, bold, underline, subtitles, captions, System Restore (Windows XP) , media sharing (in Windows Media Player), 1-Click ordering, closed captioning, CD/DVD ROM, etc

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Yes all of those are perfectly acceptable

A few days ago
Greg R (2015 still jammin’)
I agree with Like2Program.

It is acceptable to say “turn on” italics but it would be equally acceptable to say “switch on” italics. The average English reader should understand the meaning either way it’s phrased.


A few days ago