A few days ago

what is homeschool like?

would you homeschool?? or not, and why… also if you have, how hard was it and what was your routine?

Top 10 Answers
A few days ago

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We homeschool right now. Our routine varies from day to day, but usually we wake up around 8am, eat, do the dishes, do chores. If we haven’t planned an outing, the kids play, watch TV or read, practice their musical intruments. We eat lunch, do dishes, do chores.If we haven’t planned an outing, the kids play, watch TV or read, practice their sports. When their friends are released from school, they play with them. We cook dinner together, do dishes. If we don’t have a class or hobby, the kids play, watch TV or read. We go to bed…repeat.

We do having outside stuff we do, probably three or four times a week during the day, and four nights a week. We have during the day, kitchen creations, science experiments, dance, library (with story time for the littles, chess tournaments/card games/volunteering for the elder children), craft day, music classes (band and orchestra). We go to the zoo, art museum, natural history museum, science museum and capital once a month each. At night we have scouts (boy and girl), Tae Kwon Do, soccer, baseball, my volunteer program with the autism society.

The learning isn’t hard, humans are hardwired for learning. What’s hard for ME is the running back and forth, all the classes. it’s hard to be totally in tune with the needs and wants of seven children so that they have a stimulating, enriched environment. But it’s totally worth it. My kids were in public school for five years and it sucked. it squelched every interest they had in learning, or it squished their self-esteem. You can have both without needing counseling at the end of thirteen years in school. Now they have plenty of time for friends and learning and all their interests without having a bunch of bullies and busywork on their agendas.


A few days ago
Im in Grade 12 and have been homeschooled since kindergarten…i really like it. One thing I have learned, however, is that homeschooled students have to make more of an effort to get out and make friends than public school kids…so they should join sports, clubs, volunteer, etc. I would do it again, and I would like to homeschool my kids some day.

How hard was it? Well, with the curriculm I started using in Grade 5, you needed 70% to pass, so to be an “A+, A or A-” student you’d have to get about 94+. I think it was a lot harder than regular school, because my brother(who uses it too) both scored a couple grades higher on standardized tests.(a lot of kids using this curriculm can do this).

What was my routine? Well, this year, I get up between 7:00 and 8:00, then start my classes. I have video classes for Bible, Government, Economics, and English. So, I usually watch two of those, take a 20 min. break at 10:00, then finish the other two classes before having lunch. After lunch I do Typing and Home Ec. Then I do my homework…yes, i have homework!! ๐Ÿ™‚ lol I also have PhysEd, and I fit that in whatever time of day I feel like it. After I’m done school, I either go to work at 5, or practice piano, go on the net, watch movies, write letters, read, etc.


A few days ago
What is homeschool like?

Completely depends on how it’s done. The question is kind of like asking, “What is family like?” All depends.

Would you homeschool?

I homeschool my children, but I would have hated being homeschooled by my mother (too many issues). I probably would have loved doing correspondence schooling or regularly homeschooling in high school though, alone at home.

How hard is it?

Completely depends on how it’s done.

What is your routine?

My kids get up around 6:30-7am, have breakfast, get dressed, all that, then we have our formal school time from roughly 8:30-11:30, break for lunch, then do more relaxed things in the afternoon. (My kids are 7 and almost 10.) My dd still usually spends at least an hour reading in the afternoons and will often spend time drawing, painting, writing and/or playing piano or recorder. Ds usually just plays.

ADDED: My kids still have friends and do things with other people regularly. Being homeschooled doesn’t have to mean isolation.


A few days ago
We homeschool as well. Grades 9, 6 and 4 right now.

How hard is it? Well that depends on your parents and what program they choose. Getting an education isn’t an easy proposition. You don’t sleep in and do nothing all day and still learn. However, if you focus and get your work done, there is a lot of time in the day left over for other things.

My kids are involved in a lot of things outside the house, as are most homeschoolers, which is why the “socialization” myth is so silly.

– fencing

– swimming

– band

– film school

– acting (musicals, plays)

– extras in movies

– dance classes

– gym


We try to start by about 9 and if they buckle down they are all usually done by 1 or 2. My eldest would like to get a job but doesn’t want to miss all the extras we do so he’s still not sure. ๐Ÿ™‚


A few days ago
Ms. Phyllis
I am currently homeschooling a 2nd grader.

It is not hard at all; however, when we began homeschooling at the beginning of my child’s 1st grade year, he had to be “deschooled.” Although he is quite young, he definitely had a “this is the way we did it at school mindset.” This came about from his attending two years of public school pre-K and another year at a private home learning center for grade K. Now, he has adapted quite well to homeschooling and enjoys it.

We get up in the morning and have breakfast. After this, we pray, sing, and read the Bible. Subsequently, he cleans/straightens up his room. Then, we say the pledge of allegiance and begin our school day. School may last anywhere from 2.5 to 3.5 hours with breaks included. Some afternoons, my son does some free reading and also plays. Other afternoons, we may go to the library, on a field trip, or to a community class/activity.


A few days ago
Asking that question is like asking what it’s like to live in Europe.

Living in Serbia is very different from living in Britain, which is very different from living in the Netherlands.

I have liked being homeschooled because it’s given me independence and freedom, and I know how to make friends on my own.

It isn’t that hard because if your parents haven’t just imported the whole school thing in to your home -which I oppose- you learn stuff in the way that’s best for you. If that means you’d learn history best with a comic book about Bunker Hill, you get the comic book. Schools impose their way of doing things because it’s the only way that will support the bureaucracy. There’s nothing less valid about mainly learning through pictures or models or movies- just not something a gigantic government agency could impose any conformity on.

I set aside three or four hours in a day to do my work. Here’s how it breaks down:

Math: I’m in a small math class that I really like. It meets once a week and I spread my homework out over every day. Either that, or I do it all the day before the class. ๐Ÿ˜› It takes half an hour at most.

Science: I started taking science seriously this year so I’m trying to figure out the best way for me to learn chemistry. I don’t like my current system much -I need to read and see pictures- but I’m doing it until I find what works. Takes anywhere between 45 minutes and an hour; the thing’s based on a long presentation.

History: I’m in an online AP US history class. I study about an hour a day.

Language: Rosetta Stone German. I’m good with languages so it’s pretty fast. I have the homeschooler version so one day I do a lesson, which takes about half an hour, and the next day I review it all with the workbook and by writing some sentences that apply my knowledge.

English: I read a lot for fun and all my writing ends up being for the AP class.

Music: Piano lesson every Monday and I practice every day, but I count that as fun mucking around and not school.

PE: I run every day and am looking for a track team to join.

I take weekends to cull out my history notes -I’m bad at taking notes- and see if there’s anything I can get out of the way before the week starts. I have most of my day free, and my education is at least on par with the average school kid’s, in many cases above.

Homeschoolers are usually ahead of public schoolers, but it’s not the kids’ fault. It’s the system’s. The system puts everyone on a slow track, makes them do things in a way that doesn’t work for most people*, doesn’t let anyone deviate from the track, and then blames the kids for being slow.

Also, take an average school day. Cut out milling around in the halls. Cut out lunch. Cut out homework assignment and collection. Cut out the teacher yelling at people. Cut out time spent explaining to the kid who just doesn’t get it, or cut out time being that kid. Cut out the review of everything you already know. Cut out all the test prep. How much time are you spending actually acquiring new knowledge? Not much.

When you’re homeschooled, unless you’re one of the rare kids who the news media loves who has a set, scheduled school day that keeps you in the house, your education is entirely your own, and people learn quickly when they’re not just memorizing and regurgitating.

Debates about ‘homeschooling’ are ultimately useless, because it’s such a vague, broad term.


4 years ago
Ummm…..homeschooling should not be you locked in a basement someplace or chained to a table. actual international activities may be the better area of a house based training. We backyard and bypass to parks and farms. We attend quite a few lectures and my daughter grew to become into inspired to do a little pictures this wintry climate. My daughter loves to motorbike interior the afternoons, sculpt maximum mornings interior the sunlight, bypass with acquaintances to the library, bypass procuring and to the flicks on weekends and we the two take in paintings shows on each and every occasion we can. We use city buses and trolleys to get the place we would desire to bypass. We motorbike the greenbelt and dangle out on the skate park for “wellness club class”. in case you hate the form of homeschool you presently have, substitute it thoroughly! There are as many a thank you to homeschool as there are homeschoolers. at present my daughter and a chum have become collectively to observe a weekly PBS specific on community individuals. They watch and talk whilst they have Rocky street ice cream and luxuriate in each and every others organisation. If my daughter hated how she schooled, i could tell her that grew to become into her fault for lacking mind’s eye and gumption, because of the fact we college in accordance to her tastes, abilities and plans. you will desire to attempt that too.

A few days ago
bohemian rhaphsodist
personally as someone who went to both a public school and was home schooled, that homeschooling is really great, like it has its pluses, but sometimes it can have a downside.

for instance, not as much socialisation, (you do get it though, contrary to popular belief)

and no guys except siblings everyday

plus the fact if you decide to do a family field trip, you can become host to a lot of dirty looks and people asking ‘is it holidays already?’ or ‘taking a day of school?’ and that sort of thing.

but there is so much more positive stuff (you could email me and i’d put you onto my mum who’tell you all about it)

We use a mix of ACE and own stuff


A few days ago
Melissa C
Yes, we Home school.

In our situation it has been a great experience for myself and my two kids. They are academically ahead and socially secure young people. The live in the “real world” each day, not the subculture of public school. Actually, my oldest is taking 3 classes at the High school this year. She doesn’t mind and she is doing great but says the kids are all crazed about “who’s dating who.” My daughter is focused so far on her future and hangs with a great group of kids so far. I think I have given her a strong base on which to stand for what she believes in as well as making her secure in who she is. She feels no need to follow the crowd.

Done correctly Home schooling is wonderful! It takes a lot of commitment though and parents who are willing to put in the work.

Check this site: http://learninfreedom.org/socialization.html


A few days ago
It varies depending on program

It seems, universallly, Penn Foster students have problems as the course of study is very hard and the tests difficutl.

Other systems are not as bad, such as Abecka.

Sounds to me like Penn Foster is WELL above the norm.