Turabian Style Papers

Turabian style papers are academic papers written using the Turabian writing style. The Turabian style of writing was developed by Kate Turabian and published by the Chicago University and was based on the Chicago Manual of writing. It has been documented in the publication “ A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses and Dissertations”. Turabian style papers give options between two forms of referencing information; the author/ date system followed by a list of reference and the notes/ bibliography system. Examples of Turabian style papers include: Turabian style term papers, Turabian style theses, Turabian style research papers, Turabian style essays and Turabian style dissertations.

While writing Turabian style papers one can choose to use the notes/ bibliography system of referencing. In this system all ideas from sources in Turabian style papers are cited in side text by use of markers. Markers are generally super-script/ raised numbers placed inside text where information from a source has been used. The markers may be numbered differently from one chapter to the other making them chapter specific or they may be numbered sequentially through out the Turabian style papers. Each of these markers corresponds to a specific footnote or endnote. Turabian style footnotes are found at the bottom of the page of Turabian style papers while Turabian style endnotes are found at the end of a chapter or at the end particular division of Turabian style papers. Turabian footnotes and endnotes are also numbered sequentially and in correspondence to the markers. Footnotes and endnotes provide information of sources cited by the markers inside Turabian style papers. In addition to the notes, this system of referencing also calls for the inclusion of a bibliography at the end of Turabian style papers. The bibliographies of Turabian style papers are arranged in alphabetical order using the author’s surname. These bibliographies contain only a list sources that were actually cited inside the Turabian style papers.

The second available option while writing Turabian style papers is the use of the author/ date parenthetical system of referencing sources. This system involves briefly citing sources inside text of Turabian style papers by enclosing the authors surname and the publication date in parenthesis. The citations inside text are then reflected at the end of the Turabian style papers where a List of reference is provided. Just like in the notes bibliography system, only sources cited inside Turabian style papers are included in the reference list page.

Turabian Style Papers

Turabian style of writing is almost similar to the Chicago style of writing. The difference between the two is that the Chicago style of writing provides guidelines for general publication while the Turabian style was developed mainly for students and provides guidelines for writing academic papers. The notes bibliography system of referencing is more preferred for writing Turabian style papers in the field of humanities while the author/ date parenthetical system is recommended for writing Turabian style papers in the field of physical, natural and social sciences. While writing Turabian papers such as Turabian essay, Turabian term paper, Turabian research paper, Turabian Theses and Turabian dissertations it is important for a Turabian writer to have knowledge of the two forms of documentation offered by the Turabian style.