

Communism is an ideology that is mainly based on the works and writings of karl marx. It is an ideology that promotes the creation of stateless, and classless societies. It concentrates on the creation of a common ownership of the means of production.

“ "The Communists… are on the one hand, practically, the most advanced and resolute section of the working-class parties of every country, that section which pushes forward all others; on the other hand, theoretically, they have over the great mass of the proletariat the advantage of clearly understanding the lines of march, the conditions, and the ultimate general results of the proletarian movement.

The immediate aim of the Communists is the same as that of all other proletarian parties: formation of the proletariat into a class, overthrow of the bourgeois supremacy, conquest of political power by the proletariat." – Karl Marx, Communist Manifesto, 1848 ”

Communism as an ideology has been in existewnce for a long period of tinme. Countries like Ru






have been communists at a time especially at the height of the cold war. Many forms of communism exist but the main form of communism that is in existence in north korea




is the anarchist communism. Thias form of communism is associated with tryranical dictatorship as well as mass abuse of human rights especially to citizens and political leaders who seem to be in favour of opposition movements.

Abuse And Violation of Human Rights in Communist


Human rights abuse are not limited to only these two nations. Surprisingly human rights abuse cases are prevalent on a global scale and are practiced even by some of the most democratic countries in the world. Acts of human rights abuse involve issues like child labour, slavery, dissapearancess, and false imprisonment or detentions.

Karl Marx on his part was the father of Marxism together with Friedrich Engels. This social economic perspective is based on the following beliefs;

• An attention to the material conditions of people’s lives, and lived relations between


• A belief that peoples’ consciousnesses of the conditions of their lives are reflections of these material conditions and relations

• An understanding of "social class" in terms of differing relations to production, and as a particular position within such relations

• An understanding of material conditions and social relations as historically malleable


• A view of history in terms of conflict between classes with opposing interests

• A sympathy for the exploitation of workers

• A belief that the ultimate interests of workers best match those of humanity in general. [


Marxism beliefs in a social state where neither the government nor the market takes control.

In the field of social sciences, the role of social scientists is very important. This is because these scientists are supposed to come up with facts concerning the different disciplines. As thus, they are supposed to give insight, concrete definitions as well as directions for the further progress of the disciplines.

Many scholars have claimed that slavery as a socio-economic system has existed in almost all human societies (Davies, 1999). There are many definitions that have been put forward to explain what slavery is.

According to the 1926 slavery convention, slavery is described as “the condition and or status of a person over whom all, some, or any of the powers involved to the right of ownership are exercised”. According to this convention’s definition slaves are not allowed to leave their owners or territories of the employer without permission.


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