Current Healthcare policy

The current healthcare policy is a policy that operates in the in most developed countries where the disadvantaged in the society get to be assisted by the government through a universal healthcare. Most of the developed countries do apply the universal healthcare policy except a few like the United States (Charlene 2004). The policy have been criticized by many arguing that it is inconsistent, complex, illogical, under funded, etc. However, the policy has got some supporters though they are not as many as the opposers.

Problem Definition

The problem that is associated with the current healthcare policy is that some citizens feel oppressed by the increased tax revenues imposed on them (Dani 2008).

. The contributions to the compulsory insurance are another issue that is faced with great opposition. Then legislation and the regulation that relate to the specific care to be given, the individual or organization to give the care, and the recipient of the care are also of concern.

Context of the Policy Being Analyzed

The current healthcare policy has been developed to be taking care of those who are weak in the society especially the Medicaid (Dani 2008).

Current Healthcare policy

. The aged and the young also are part of the program where the funds that are raised are supposed to be spent in taking care of these disadvantaged individuals in the society.

Strategies for the Delivery of Benefits

For efficient delivery of benefits, quality assurance policies and procedures should be stated so that the best results can be obtained.

Methods of Financing These Provisions

A mixed model funding has been used by most developed countries where the main source of funding for those countries that apply the law in taxation. In most countries, taxation as the main method of funding has been substituted by specific levies imposed on individual members of the country (Charlene 2004). Public and private contributions have also been used in some countries although employers make the greatest contributions.

History and the Ineffective Approaches

Previously the application of the universal healthcare services has not been very effective especially in line with the accessing of the service (Charlene 2004). There have been some inequalities in the way the care has been distributed.

Extent of Policy and Lessons of History

Current Healthcare policy

The policy of healthcare has been applied in many countries and many have argued that the moment a country adopts the policy; it becomes really hard for it to neglect it (Donald 2003). Those countries that have applied the law argue that it is the only way that the government can take care of its citizens. In a country like the United States, the policy has been faced with great resistance and any efforts to reinvent it could prove to be a waste of time.

Repeated Mistakes

Some countries that have applied the policy have ended up in large amounts if debts. The resistance that the policy has faced in some countries has ended up costing the countries some extra money which could have been used in attending to the health of several individuals (Margaret 2005). The attempt to reintroduce the policy back in country where it had been neglected could lead to severe losses by the members.

Efforts versus Research Findings

Research findings especially in the United States show that by the year two thousand, the United States government could only provide seventy percent of every patient budget and the only way out was for the citizens to take care of the remaining budget. However, the efforts by those countries that apply the policy effectively are also met with some challenges. In some countries, the services do not cover certain regions where members of the same country live (Charlene 2004). This also shows some deficits in the policy since it leaves some people out of the program. In other countries, migrants to the countries do not enjoy policy that original residents do.

Major Social Values

Current Healthcare policy

Anybody in any country can fall sick and in most cases, people do not plan to fall sick. Whether poor or rich, covered by an insurance or not, anybody can fall sick and the sickness can come to you at a time when you have no means of fighting it. This calls for a method whereby a person can be assured that regardless of the current status quo, any health insecurity is well taken care of. It is therefore important for those countries which have the capacity to take care of the health of their populations to do so. However, some individuals in some countries such as the United States feel that they are being oppressed when the government plans to charge them some compulsory insurance fees and imposing tax on them (Dani 2008).

The Current Healthcare Policy-A Change Brought About By Conflict

Some countries like the United States are planning to adopt the policy because its the health status has been criticized by other developed countries and it has been noted that it is the only developed country that doesn’t apply the law that helps in the improvement of the health of members of a country. Regardless of the amount of money that the country spends on health, the health status of the citizens of the United States is far much behind the health status of some other countries that have achieved greater heights in development as the United States (Charlene 2004).

Goals of the Current Healthcare Policy

The current healthcare policy is aimed at improving the quality of health of the citizens to countries that apply the policy (Donald 2003). This is simply because the country that applies the policy is always prepared to attend to any health problems that may arise in any of its country members. The policy also takes care of the citizens who are incapable of taking care of themselves in the country.

Outcomes of the Policy In Relation To Stated Goals

Current Healthcare policy

For those countries that have applied the policy effectively, positive results have been achieved whereby the health of the citizens in such countries is well taken care of and the government is always prepared to take the necessary steps to prevent the occurrence of some diseases, cure the ones that arise, come up with some strategies to avoid their occurrence (Karen 2008). Since the tax and the insurance charges are mostly imposed on the capable citizens and companies within the country, the Medicaid is catered for by the contributions of the capable ones.

Effectiveness of the Policy

Comparing the amount of money that a country like United States spends on health issues and the health status in the country with the amount that a country like Germany which applies the policy spends and the health status of the citizens in the country, it is apparently cost effective (Margaret 2005).


In addressing the healthcare reforms, the countries that have the capacity to make contributions towards the implementation of the reforms should do so in order to help the less fortunate in the country. This will help in seeing to it that the basic needs of each and every individual has been met which is the responsibility of the government (Charlene 2004). The implementation of the reforms will also ensure that countries do not waste a lot of money which it is capable of saving.

Reforming of the healthcare systems is quite important because a country that applies the new policies adopted will have an opportunity to attend to the health insecurity of all members of the country regardless of their capacity to pay for the services. Again, the country ends up saving some more money due to the effectiveness of the new system.

Current Healthcare policy

On the other hand, the implementation of the new rules as a result of the reforms may be met with some resistance by members of the country. This may lead to wastage of money in trying to campaign for the reforms only for it to be rejected.


Charlene, H. (2004). Health policy: crisis and reform in the U.S. health care delivery system.

Cambridge: Jones & Bartlett Publishers, 273-274.

. Retrieved on 25-Seotember-2009 from health_care_lessons_from_israe.html?hpid=topnews.

. Retrieved on 25- September-2009. From ?artid=1447686.

Karen, M. S. (2008). Comprehensive Handbook of Social Work and Social Welfare. Oxford:

Oxford University Press, 218-220.

Margaret, L. A. (2005). Sociology: Understanding a Diverse Society. New York: McMillan Publishers, 555-557.