A few days ago

Why might someone assume that a speaker using a relaxed pronunciation is uneducated?

Why might someone assume that a speaker using a relaxed pronunciation is uneducated?

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

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Do you mean a different accent or do you mean incorrect grammar? If you mean the former, then that is a prejudice and is unfair to the speaker. If you mean the latter, then they would be correct. Educated people use correct grammar.

A few days ago
Too many variables in this question. What, precisely, do you mean by “relaxed”? Is that like we so often hear “prob’ly” instead of “probably”? Or “Feb u ary” instead of “Feb ru ary”? Or Ebonics, with “axe” instead of “ask”? These three examples do not reflect well on the image of the speaker.

Next, is the speaker a public speaker or merely someone involved in conversation? In other words, is this speaker being paid for speaking? If so, speaking to whom? To students?

If, on the other hand, you mean speaking with an accent or a drawl or a vernacular, pronunciation isn’t an important consideration. Expressing strong feelings about mistaken facts with perfect pronunciation makes one appear far less educated.


A few days ago
im here
The speech patterns of the poor and un/undereducated tend to be very casual thus causing the dropping of consonants and endings of words.

A few days ago
because people are shallow and jealous.