A few days ago

whats up with people and grammer?

when i ask questions sometimes ill make a mistake or too thats not so bad those people need to lay off because they make mistakes too.Why do they care?

Top 5 Answers
A few days ago
Empress Jan

Favorite Answer

“when i ask questions sometimes ill make a mistake or too thats not so bad those people need to lay off because they make mistakes too.Why do they care?”

I care…”When” should be capitalized. “I’ll” should be too and it’s a contraction of I will. The first ‘too’ should be TWO, as the TOO means ALSO. We care because how you speak (type) reflect who you are and how you communicate. You may not this this is important now, but in the business world, it’s VERY important. Learn your grammer now and later it will pay off!


A few days ago
Some people are just plain pains; these are to be ignored. If you’re lucky, really lucky, the people who correct your grammar and stuff want you to present the best of who you are, not the least.

Besides, whether we like it or not, we are judged by how we speak, fair or unfair. That’s the way it is. If you hang around the same folks all the time and are used to one way of speaking, I suppose it’s okay. But if you want to reach out to other/newer ‘better’ areas of social areas, you need to speak ‘their’ language too. Don’t forget the one you are comfortable with, but it’s really important to communicate with all types. ‘Wassup?’ is okay in one area, but ‘Is everything all right’ is better in another, if you get my drift.


A few days ago
some people just have nothing better to do…. i used to correct people when they used double negatives, then i finally realized how i sounded…. especially when i said it to someone who wasnt used to me and got offended by it… so i behave now… or at least try to.. i dont think i have ever came on here and pointed out peoples grammer mistakes.. thats not going to get me a top answer!! lol!!

A few days ago
When you use incorrect grammar or spelling, people have a harder time understanding what you’re trying to say.

If you want to be clear, write it correctly the first time. That way, you get your point across and readers don’t stumble over your errors.


A few days ago
People expect others to have at least enough intelligence to spell correctly and use grammar correctly, even here.

Communicating here is not rocket science or brain surgery.