A few days ago

What is the infinitive form of to eat in latin?

What is the infinitive form of to eat in latin?

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

comedere (to eat up)

manducare (to chew, eat)

vesci (to feed upon)

gustare (to taste)

esse or edere (to eat; there are 2 forms)

sapire (to taste)


A few days ago
The verb you are probably thinking of is “edo” which can have a present infinitive “esse” as well as the more regular looking “edere”.

The difference between the “esse” of this verb and the one from “sum” is that the initial e is a long vowel.

There is also a compound verb “comedo”, which has present infinitive “comesse” or “comedere” & also means “to eat”.


A few days ago
The Latin word you are looking for is “essum”.

For example the sentence ” I wish to eat.” translates into Latin as “Volo essum.”

Volo = I wish

essum = to eat