A few days ago
Sexy M

What is the difference?

whats the difference between possessive and jealous?

Top 9 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Possessive is showing ownership.

Jealous is being fearful or apprehensive of losing affection or position.

The meanings are really quite different. Example; parents are possessive of their children, not jealous.


A few days ago
Not a lot!

A possessive person thinks he/she can, as the word says, possess a lot of “things” he shouldn’t think that way about… like people. Possessive people often think they can “own” others; some of them even want to be dictator of the world– (if they’re serious on THAT, get out now!) If you don’t mind being bossed around more than most, or standing in another’s shadow a lot of the time, then being with this type of person is okay for you. I guess. It kind of kills the spirit, though, right?

A jealous person takes possession ideas a step further, in my opinion, and will punish whoever seems to get between him and what he feels he owns… even if it’s the person he feels he owns. A bad time in the end, always.

That’s the only difference I see.


A few days ago
If you are jealous of somebody you are envious of who that person is, what that person has; perhaps his/her popularity, looks, abilities, money etc. etc. You would like those things for your self, and because this other person has them, you actually hate that person.

Being possessive is being for example half of a relationship where you want to cling so tightly to that other person you cannot stand for him/her to be away from you, doing anything on their own without you, being in the company of others, in fact engaging in any kind of a life or activity that doesn’t include you. It is usually associated with some degree of low self esteem, a feeling of being personally inadequate, and a fear of being rejected.

Both of these are personality flaws, but they have degrees of severity, of course. A lot of people are mildly jealous of others, or mildly possessive, but not to the degree that the problem seriously gets in the way of an otherwise normal life, or poses a problem for the person who is the focus of this particular kind of attention. But either one can also be pretty severe, and when that is the case, the condition can totally disrupt that person’s whole life, and can even pose a serious threat to the well being of the person on the receiving end of either the jealosy or the possessiveness.


A few days ago
I think it’s pretty much the same. First you get jealous, and then you get possessive of the person. They come hand in hand! =) But of course jealous is just the way you feel. Possessive is feelings towards it, which could involve action

A few days ago
Possessive: Having or manifesting a desire to control or dominate another, especially in order to limit that person’s relationships with others: a possessive parent.

Jealous: The quality of being jealous; earnest concern or solicitude; painful apprehension of rivalship in cases nearly affecting one’s happiness; painful suspicion of the faithfulness of husband, wife, or lover.

Hope that answers ur question………..


A few days ago
jealous is a feeling, where as possessiveness is a person acting out there jealousy

A few days ago
possessive means you have something and you want to keep it yours alone, jealous means you DON’T have something and want to make it your own.

possessive could also mean you want EVERYTHING to be yours.


A few days ago
Jealous generally has to do with a third party.

Posessive is more like “I own you.” (period)


A few days ago
I dont think there is a difference, when i hear both words, i think controlling.