A few days ago

what is a consistent essay?

i dont know how to improve my essay

i always get inconsistency

what does it mean and how can i improve it?

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

You should ask your teacher

Perhaps you don’t apply yourself consistently throughout your essay. I suspect you start off ok but don’t complete the job with the same skills.

Perhaps your ideas peter out. Perhaps you have some brilliant ideas alongside mediocre ones.

Perhaps you get sloppy with technical details, such as spelling and grammar.

THE GOOD NEWS IS THAT it sounds like you’re doing a good job in certain areas. You want to extend those skills so that more of your essay reflects your potential. There are many fellow students who can’t touch your hem when you are really on. You must appreciate yourself.

Do talk to your teacher. You have a talent and you don’t want to bury it.


A few days ago
A reader’s concentration is held by consistent and logical flow.

Consistent flow doesn’t just mean from paragraph to paragraph, it means from idea to idea, from sentence to sentence. Every idea, every word, should not be sitting on its own little island, it should be part of an interconnected stream of words that take the reader on a smooth ride from point A to point B. Often overlooked, transitions are the easiest and most effective way to give your essay that even feel. Here’s an illustrative example of poor flow:



A few days ago
A good paper starts out with a very firm statement that lets the reader know exactly what you are going to argue in that paper. Then the body of the paper–as many paragraphs as you need–all supports that statement. If you’re having problems being consistent, likely you aren’t using each new idea to further prove your argument, then wrapping it all up neatly in your closing paragraph. Pick one argument and stick to it; stay focused.

A few days ago
Jackie C
The consistent essay has 5 paragraphs they are Introduction starts out broad move closer to main idea theme of paper 3 statements which support main idea paragraph’s 2,3,4, will represent one of the 3 statements that you put in the main idea . The last is the conclusion restationg your main idea and going more broad .