A few days ago


Oxymorons are fun. What are your favorites?

Would “fat crackhead” be considered an oxymoron?

Top 10 Answers
A few days ago
dee s

Favorite Answer

Jumbo shrimp is my favorite.

I don’t think your example would be a true oxymoron. The two words should be complete opposites, like jumbo shrimp, boxing ring and organized chaos. Of course, it is used in humor to describe two things that either do not belong together or just to make a play on words like Military Intelligence and Business Ethics.


5 years ago
JIHAD isn’t an oxymoron. It approach battle and no longer holy struggle. assess out ur pleasant arabic dictionary and the best way MOST Muslims have an understanding of that time period. Jihad as a sort of holy struggle is as international to the gigantic MAJORITY of muslims at present because the crusades are the Christians within the state-of-the-art–i.e so much of them dont wish to to aim it. having that mentioned, the exceptional oxymorons i will consider of include: one million. sure possibly two. identical change three. jumbo shrimp four. Muslim terrorist. –on account that a Muslim is one that submits to God and a terrorist is one that reasons terror. So how might one that real submits to God reason terror? So the 2 names are oxymoronic in nature and no longer credible. Why is it then whilst anybody from the center east commits a criminal offense they’re mechanically recognized by way of their faith, however the identical isn’t performed for individuals dwelling within the west? Isn’t it a lot more logical to detect that there are well and dangerous individuals in every single place and that radicals exists in all religions? (i.e fundamentalist christian professional lifestyles contributors who blow up abortion clinics…wait, thats an oxymoron too, correct? )

A few days ago
A little big and a tall midget.

No, fat crackhead wouldn’t be an oxymoron because fat and crackhead aren’t antonyms


A few days ago

is a good site to check out.

Government Intelligence is my favourite.

“fat crackhead” probably is an oxymoron.


A few days ago
No, fat crackhead is not one although I see your point.

Long Shorts, Petite Large, Sweet and Sour, Genuine Imitation, Pretty Ugly


A few days ago
hahahahaaaaaaaa! hilarious. Might just turn out to be a new oxymoron! They are usually, after all, SO SKINNY. It’s not like I don’t know what a “true” oxymoron is. I’m just playing. Get loose people, don’t be so uptight. Downright righteous!

A few days ago
Hi ^_^
No, I don’t think so, an oxymoron is made up of two words that oppose each other’s meaning (eg: jumbo (big) + shrimp (small) = jumbo shrimp)

A few days ago
i guess you could consider that one, if u loosely use the definiton of oxymoron. my personal fave is organized chaos!

A few days ago
Stephen W
Government Organisation

Military Intelligence

they’re my two faves.


A few days ago
my favorite is “microsoft works” haaaaaaahahaha