A few days ago

What does Minority Mean?

I like to think I’m holding up my own life and all of the others who’ve shown that being a member of a minority race doesn’t mean being a minority achiever. What does minority race and minority achiever both mean?

Top 5 Answers
A few days ago
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You are less than 50% of the make-up of the community at large

A few days ago
A minority is less than 50%; a majority is over 50%. You can be in a minority one place and in a majority in another place. I’m a member of the majority race in the US, but if I moved to China, I would be a member of a minority race. Of course, all this is based on very inexact definitions for race. We tend to define races based on superficial characteristics. In the US, latinos or hispanics are a minority classification based on language and countries of origin. Our goal should be to see people for themselves and not for some artificial group they were born into.

A few days ago
A minority is less than half. So a minority race is one where the population is less than half. A minority achiever is a member of a minority race who achieves.



A few days ago
“Minority” is an ancient word that came down to us from the island nation of Minos. The ancient lava miners that lived there had a taboo against male members of their society going down into the labyrinths of the lava mines. All the females started mining school at the recumbent age of twelve. They called them selves “The Holy Sorority of Volcanic Sisterhoods..” They finally just combined the word “Sorority” and “miner’ —and there you have it.

A few days ago
White is a majority race. Black, hispanic, asian, stc are minorities. Same with minority acheivers.