A few days ago


Love m love m love metaphores….

”Even philosophical,

my style is collassal

to ur brain like a line of cocaine

straight up ur nostril

knowledge like aristotle

i send my message thru the mic

not in a bottle”

now thats some ill ****… the lamest but at the same time the most creative and definetly a fave of mine simple meto:

I like u a like a kid loves cake…

What are ur faves, i know it comes in context to whatever, like naturally, but u gotta have some favorites, shlt everyone has some…

list them up ๐Ÿ˜€ please

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago
Coach McGuirk

Favorite Answer

Like a flashlight on, but lost, my energy is there, but wasted.

(more of a simile than a metaphor)

I am a piece of chalk, trying to make a mark on the blackboard of our lives.


A few days ago
My favourite (very visual):

She fell from the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down!

btw- A metaphor doesnt have “like a…” in it, thats a simile


A few days ago
Life without you is like a broken pencil………………..

….. pointless! ๐Ÿ˜‰