A few days ago

is this good?

on myspace someone has a quote that says “spoon feeding teaches us nothing but the shape of the spoon.” what does this mean? i like the quote. would it be stupid for me to have it. im 15 and in high school. wont people think im dumb?

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

He was spoon-fed the position, meaning he did not earn it and that all he did was learn to do or mimic what others did, therefore no great thinker. However, as a child, being spoon-fed is your only survival until you learn to mimic how it was done, and in that point making you a thinker and a step toward being self reliant… so….you must decide on which side of the coin you are interpreting this quote. If it suits you…use it…are you a leader or do you follow others. Only you can decide..but be sure you can answer when someone asks you why you have chosen the quote. If you are a leader, you will use it and not worry what the sheep of this world think.

A few days ago
Spoon feeding only teachers us what we need to know. So in this metaphor, how wide you need to open your mouth. So basically, what you need to do to take in what people spoon feed you. Many times teachers will do this, && no it would not be stupid for you to have it.

It will show maturity in the sense, you realize that spoon feeding information is not a mean of education, yet a childish approach to learning.

Plus, I am 15, and I fully agree with the quote.

Hope that helped,

Btw, don’t worry about what others think. it’s not worth it.