A few days ago

HOW good is your vocabulary let see?

Could you please give me a sentence with each of these words i mean a good sentence (no bad words) .DISHEVELED, DERISIVE, DISTRAUGHT, INSOLENT, HARROWED, BLANDLY, GROTESQUE, HAGGARD, BIZARRE, CUR, ( thank you for you answer)

Top 9 Answers
A few days ago
Shanna S

Favorite Answer

Sounds like a homework answer…..

If you look these words up, you’ll be able to compose a sentence and maybe even incorporate these words into your everyday language.

These are not uncommon words. You should know most of these. What are you going to do when someone uses one of these words and you’re supposed to respond in an intelligent way. ?? mmmm

Don’t be content with being dumb.


A few days ago
One sentence for each. or can I combine them?

The disheveled woman looked trampy. Her friends were derisive when they talked about her. This made her distraught. Her insolent daughter thought she would move away. I am not sure what harrowed means, but if I was sure, I would say that the plowed ground looked harrowed. His blandly incompetent attempts to fly were noted. The grotesque witch looked haggard. One might even say she was bizarre. One man’s dog is another man’s cur.


A few days ago
It seems your own English skills could stand some improvement. I believe you meant to say “let’s see,” not “let see.”

Here’s my response. It combines all of the words in just one sentence. Now you figure out what it means. Use a dictionary.

“While some students blandly regarded him, and others made mean spirited, derisive and insolent remarks about their disheveled, distraught, haggard and harrowed looking Physics professor, when the academic wasn’t watching, one cur in particular secretly made grotesque and bizarre faces which were intended to poke fun at him.”


A few days ago
1. After riding in her convertible for an hour, Marcie’s looks had become DISHEVELED.

2. With a DERISIVE snort, Colonel Mustard pushed himself back from the table.

3. The DISTRAUGHT mother begged the police to let her son go free.

4. It was totally unacceptable to Lady Jane that her footman had become INSOLENT about ironing her daily newspaper.

5. “Baint the field HARROWED, sonny?” asked the busy farmer of his lad.

6. The bank manager BLANDLY informed the shivering borrower that his loan could not be processed.

7. It’s GROTESQUE that Ann Coulter should continue to have a place in journalism.

8. Mum looked a bit HAGGARD after the Hogmanay revels.

9. A rather BIZARRE e-mail reached my desk today…it appeared to have been written in Urdu.

10. If you mate a CUR with a fiest, you generally wind up with unmanageable chicken-eater pups.


A few days ago
A bizarre and haggard man walked through the door with his derisive eyes, his distraught and insolent grin, his harrowed and blandly colored skin hanging off his grotesue skeleton with his cur of a dog close at his heels.

A few days ago
After being dragged through a hedge one looks really dishevelled!

Be derisive about it – decide NOW

She was totally distraught – death is always hard to deal with.

He was a rude insolent man.

She had a harrowed expression – the death of her father was showing in her face.

No expression crossed her face – she was blandly cold (actually blandly itself doesn’t work – it should be bland – as in expressionless!)

The death mask was grotesque.

she looked haggard with the lack of sleep.

It was a bizarre situation to find herself in.

The cussed cur was howling outside the door.


A few days ago
My clothing has the appearance of being dishelveled.

The students were very derisive to the other student.

I have been extreemly distraught over my finances lately.

The children whom I take care of are very insolent at times.

My job makes me feel very harrowed at times.

The food was prepared in a most blandly manner.

The person’s facial features were grotesque.

The old woman appearance was most haggard.

This person’s behavior can be very bizarre at times.

The dog being of many breeds is considered to be a cur.

If I just did your homework for you, you will never learn anything by copying other people’s work.


A few days ago
Are we doing your homework for you? I don’t know all those words, but here goes

1. He was distraught when he found out he didn’t know what all the spelling words meant.

2. It was grotesque to see the dead animal on the side of the road.

3. Life is bizarre and know one knows what the next day will bring.


A few days ago
disheveled- messed with

derisive- mean (making fun)

distraught- very upset

insolent- rude and uncooperative

harrowed- tormented

blandly- flatly, plainly

grotesque- fugly

haggard- old or tired or beaten-looking

bizzare- freakin’ weird

cur- dog (like a male version of *****)