A few days ago

How do you pronounce the name of king Hiero of Syracuse? Is it as in Hero, or Hi-ro or none of the above?

How do you pronounce the name of king Hiero of Syracuse? Is it as in Hero, or Hi-ro or none of the above?

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago
Kris L

Favorite Answer

It’s neither. It’s pronounces Hee-aro, longer e, shorter but still long a. Say it fast, though, if you want to sound ‘authentic’ when you are pronouncing it properly. Now PRACTICE because it’s not all that easy, but it’s not all that hard, either.

4 years ago
A Newfie went to Spain; he did not communicate spanish yet become informed if he spoke slowly he may well be understood. He went to a bar and suggested “caann III haavve aa Beeeerrr pleeeaasse?” The bartender suggested “wheerrre aarrre yoouu frooommm?” The Newfie suggested “Coorrrnnnerrr Brrooookk Neewwffoouuunnnddllaanndd.” The bartender suggested “Thunderin’ Jaysis bye! i’m from St. Johns! What are we doin’ speakin’ spanish?”