A few days ago

How about a morning story with these????

1. Where did the time go

2. To tell the truth

3. When I was a kid

4. This is my way

5. Anyone who knows me is aware of_____________

6. I wish I could have been there

7. Maybe I am crazy

8. With love from me to_____________

Bonus: They would have needed to call the cops

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago
I am Sunshine

Favorite Answer

Sunshine pays homage to “Gunsmoke.”

I saw a clip on youtube the other night which touched me deeply. It was a tribute to “Gunsmoke.” (5) Anyone who knows me is aware of my love and respect regarding this show. I write about it every day on YA. (4) This is my way of staying close to the warm and wonderful characters of one of the best shows to ever be on tv, and certainly, the best Western. It had action,humor and drama. What it lacked in romance I MORE than make up for in my stories!

While I have added some new characters and tweaked the personalities of the tv cast, it is still “Gunsmoke”…… It’s MY “Gunsmoke.” I need to say at this point that I have MORE than tweaked the personality of Miss Kitty. All of this I do with the highest regard for Amanda Blake/Miss Kitty. Given all that I have read about her, I think she would have gotten a kick out of my silly ramblings.

When “Gunsmoke” came on the air in 1955, I was 6 years old. I was drawn immediately to Matt Dillon. Or as I always call him ….. Jamie. Even at this tender age, I found him remarkably attractive…… Inside and out. He stood for law and order. He was brave, slow to anger, gentle when he wanted to be and tough as any cowboy that ever walked the streets of Dodge. And he was gorgeous.

I was so taken with him that at a tender age I wrote a song about him. I also wrote my own “Gunsmoke” episodes! Yep! I’m just picking up from where I left off. I still have the stories, along with some other memorabilia.

I read all that I could find on James Arness. I learned that in WW II he had been first off the landing craft at Anzio Beach. This was because of his great height….They needed to know the depth of the water!! (2) To tell the truth,( and I am VERY serious) (6) I wish I could have been there, too. Fighting along side the man I admire so much, would have been an honor. He was severely wounded at Anzio, leading to a long convalescence and a permanent limp. Perhaps you could catch this. Chester’s limp was an act. Matt’s was real.

I would have given ANYTHING to have appeared in “Gunsmoke,” and work along side of Jamie and the others. Of course I would have gone insane and (bonus) They would have needed to call the cops !! I’m not sure I could have controlled myself around him. I’ll tell you one thing! If I had played his romantic interest in “Matt’s Love Story,” I would STILL be in ICU recovering from Over-Exposure To Happiness !♥!

My love for James Arness and “Gunsmoke” can be seen all through my life. Along with that little song I already mentioned, I was on a bowling team in high school which I promptly named, Dillon’s Dollies. I also remember doing a little parody of the opening gunfight scene, to the delight of my fellow junior highers, as we waited for the school bus. When I taught myself how to play the guitar, the first thing I tried was picking on one string, the music that played when Matt was in the opening gunfight scene. When I was older I wrote another song about him and sang it at one of my concerts. It was at the time that “Gunsmoke” had gone off the air, after 20 years.(The longest running drama in tv history!)

They developed a new series for Mr. Arness…. “McLaine’s Law.” The song was in regard to welcoming this dear man back to tv. (7) Maybe I am crazy……. To many that is a foregone conclusion! But seriously, I know WHY “McLaine’s Law” failed. The producers had NO IDEA they were dealing with an ICON. They gave him next to nothing to work with. It was a damn shame.

I watch “Gunsmoke” EVERY day on tv. The two children I nanny for are now hooked !! They are 3 and 6 years old!!! They get the humor between Doc and Festus. They understand what a fair and brave man, Matt is.

One day when I picked the 6 year old up at school, he told me about something that had happened in class that day. I asked him if he’d like to talk to the teacher. He said “yes,” but that he was scared. I told him: “I’ll go with you. I’ll be your Matt Dillon.”He smiled up at me and we went to see his teacher. He KNEW what I was saying……. He knew that , like Matt, I would take care of him and never leave his side.

In our daily conversations with each other, he often refers to Matt, whenever he is decribing something that he considers to be just and brave behavior.

*Sigh*…….. “Gunsmoke”…. (1) Where did the time go? Were we ever really that young? Thank God for TV Land, so that I, and countless others, can sit back and watch a show that carried us through a good portion of our lives. A show with such character………. The likes of which we’ll never see again.

Matt……. Jamie…….. If by some miracle you are reading this, I hope you realize the beautiful impact you have created in my life. Like my literary counterpart, Sunshine MacGillicutty…. I will love and respect you,always.

(8) With love from me to James Arness,

His Most Devoted Fan

And now, the clip:



A few days ago
I know the sun must be rising although there aren’t any windows. He just sits there across the table, looking at me without saying a word. Well, let him sit. Anyone who knows me is aware of my ability to be extremely stubborn. When I was a kid if things weren’t going my way I’d just clam up. When I was a kid… What memories that phrase conjures up! Yeah, I dreamed of being happily married when I was a child. It was my goal. Now here I sit across this cold table looking at a man who has no love for me whatsoever. Was childhood so long ago? Where did the time go?

There must have been a point where I realized my “happily ever after” dreams were just that – dreams. To tell the truth, I think I suspected they were fooling around ever since I was in grade school. Neighbors just aren’t that close if you know what I mean. A spouse shouldn’t betray their mate. It’s not right. It steals the dream from their kids.

I wish I could have been there when dad seen her body. I had made him a beautiful birthday cake and set the table for a party propping her up in her usual chair. I invited the neighbors so they could see what happens to people who ruin dreams. I should have realized they would have needed to call the cops. I heard them whispering that I must be crazy. Maybe I am crazy, but this is my way to show my dad my love for him.

I thought the sign I hung around her neck was a nice touch.

“With love from me to you dad. Happy Birthday!”


5 years ago
Yeah, I heard approximately that the day prior to this. I heard that there was once repeated home disturbance calls to the condo. So if you’re implying that the crime has anything to do with the truth that they’re Muslims, you’re incorrect. Spousal abuse occurs each wherein, in each dwelling, by way of anybody, and at any time. Women interval discover it tough to wreck the silence, being a Muslim makes no change. Too many guys use their opinion to justify violence towards ladies.

A few days ago
The sky is overcast with clouds – it’s late!

There are angry flashes of lightning…

Comrade of the road, here are my traveler’s greetings to thee.