A few days ago

Fun synonyms/antonym contest?

The first person who can give me a synonym and antonym for each 15 words will be chose as best answer(that means you get 10 points + the two u normally get from answering questions). The words are based upon social science. Here are the words

1. Abberant

2. Anthropomorphism

3. Archetype

4. Authoritarian

5. Catharsis

6. Demography

7. Epidemiology

8. Euthanasia

9. Extrovert

10. Lucid

11. Psychic

12. Psychotherapy

13. Schizophrenia

14. Subliminal


thanx 2 all who participate and good luck

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago
Just some guy

Favorite Answer

This was a tricky task, especially for antonyms, since many of the words—such as epidemiology—are very specific nouns that don’t really have “opposites” (like trying to find an antonym for “spaghetti” or “toilet”). For some of these, I tried to come up with what I felt was the best possible alternative for a bona fide antonym or synonym; in some cases, for lack of any better choice, I just made up terms. Any term I completely made up I’ve marked with an *. Any other choices that I feel are just REALLY a stretch I’ve marked with a (?).

On the other hand, some words in your list have numerous possible meanings or usages—such as “lucid”, or “psychic” (which can be either a noun or an adjective)—so the ways I’ve used the words may be different than how you’re thinking of them.

In any case, here’s my list! The words are ordered “synonym / antonym”.

1. abnormal / standard

2. humanness / abstractness (“humanness” is different than “humanity”… anthropomorphism has to do with something physically having human traits, which has nothing to do with humanity in the sense of compassion.)

3. model / anomaly

4. magisterial / docile

5. purification / contamination

6. (?) census-taking / enumeration ignoration * (I know, the word is actually “ignorance”… but since I’m making up a term anyway, I figured I might as well make it rhyme.)

7. (?) populationdiseaseology * / endemiology (If epidemiology studies epidemic diseases—those over large populations—then theoretically the “opposite” could be the study of endemic diseases, which those confined to small, specific areas.)

8. mercy killing / murder

9. exhibitionist / introvert

10. sensible / muddled

11. clairvoyant / unreceptive

12. (?) mental hygiene / crazification *

13. dementia praecox / soundness of mind

14. subconscious / perceptible

15. damage / healing


5 years ago
yeah, i’ve heard that before…that is pretty weird.. ~apparently, doing the nazi salute in Germany is punishable by up to 3 yrs in prison ~approximately 80 percent of a child’s intelligence is acquired from the mother ~a lost wallet is more likely to be returned if you have a picture of a baby in it ~there is a psychological condition where people cant work, sleep, or concentrate because of songs stuck in their heads ~the human brain is only capable of maintaining 150 stable relationships ~the Tibetan Mastiff is the most expensive dog in the world ~