A few days ago

English language help.. something about the name of a concept of a word…?

How do you correctly (formally) call when you have a word that could be ‘devided’?

e.g. words such as LOOK, GO, COME, SMALL, RICE cannot be devided or split. There are no ‘vocal changes or breaks’ in the word.

But words like ADVICE, BEAUTIFUL, FLOWER can be devided. AD VICE, BEAU TI FUL, FLO WER …

What are these words(phenomena) called then?? Dividable and undevidable words?? The real name ofr this….?

Top 5 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

You’re talking about SYLLABLES. The words that can’t be divided only have 1 syllable.


PS There’s only one vowel group in each syllable, so beautiful = bea u ti ful(4 syllables not 3) and ‘ow’ is a vowel group so flower= flow er.

RICE is only one vowel group- the one known as VCE or vowel+consonant+e. The e on the end is working with the vowel before the consonant – in this case an i. You know about the e on the end making the vowel say its name? If not send me an email if you’d like to know more.


5 years ago
I am sure there are many but you can hardly write them down on Yahoo Answers. Here is another verion of bad words!! Bad: not achieveing adequate standard 1. Poor 2. Evil 3. Awful 4. Terrible 5. Unpleasant 6. Horrible 7. Naughty 8. Vulgar 9. Unfavourable 10. Disagreeable 11. Detrimental 12. Unsatisfactory 13. Offensive 14. Bum 15. Wicked 16. Displeasing 17. Harmful 18. Ill-behaved 19. Bad 20. Uncongenial

A few days ago
Two-syllable words, and one-syllable words (monosyllabic if you want to get fancy)

Of course, a word made of two joined complete words is called a COMPOUND WORD – though none of your examples would fit it. I’m talking about stuff like “NEWSSTAND” and “NEWSPAPER” and “EYEBROW” – two complete words joined together to make one word.


A few days ago
Mr. man about slum
They are called monosyllabic (for one syllable) and polysyllabic (for multiple syllables).

A few days ago
Margo A
They are multisyllable words.