A few days ago

Do you think that anything is wrong with this sentence ?

“There isn’t anything confusing to me in this book, I find it every straightforward.”

Top 10 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

I found this book very straightforward and not at all confusing.

You’ve already read the book, hence, past tense.

Use active voice to make your statement less wordy, less boring and more straightforward.


A few days ago
It’s not the best of sentences. I’m sure you meant very instead of every, right?

The tense is wrong. Unless you are speaking about it while you are currently reading it, you would say that you found it to be very straightforward.

Better composition of said thought:

I didn’t find this book to be confusing, rather it was very straightforward….” I would add something after straightforward, like why that was a pleasant experience, how it helped to communicate the author’s ideas without excessive details interfering or whatever your impressions were.


A few days ago
Rev Kev
It’s a run-on sentence. You already know about “every.”

When you have a comma like that, look at both clauses. If they are both complete sentences, then you have a run-on. In this case, you do indeed have two complete sentences.

To make it grammatically correct, I suggest a period. Or at least a semi-colon.

“There isn’t anything confusing to me in this book. I find it very straightforward.”

“There isn’t anything confusing to me in this book; I find it very straightforward.”

Try one of those.


A few days ago
There are two sentences there.

The first is passive voice. The bad use of a contraction is informal at the least. There is a dangling modifier. “in this book”

There isn’t anything confusing to me in this book,

The second sentence is OK if it wasn’t tacked onto the end of the first.

I find it very straightforward.

If you are still reading the book and the present tense is correct


A few days ago
Based on my experience, a couple of suggestions.

1. No contractions in a formal essay, i.e. you cannot write “isn’t.”

2. Normally you don’t speak in the first person, i.e. you should not use the words “I” or “me.” If that’s what you’re supposed to do, then just ignore this comment.

How about something like:

“This book is not confusing. In fact, it is very straightforward.”


A few days ago
The book isn’t confusing, I find it very straightforward.

A few days ago
The book is not confusing, but is very straightforward.

A few days ago
Yes. First of, ‘to me’ doesn’t work in this sentence. Second of, ‘I find it every straightforward’ doesn’t make sense. It could be ‘I find everything straightforward’ or ‘I find it very straightforward.’

A few days ago
Terri R
There is nothing confusing to me in this book,I find it very straightforward.

A few days ago
yes alot

It should read like this ” I find everything confusing even books, so I post retarded questions like this on yahoo answer.