A few days ago

Conerning dictionaries and their proper use, which one the following statements is most accurate?

A. Foreign words are not included in English dictionaries.

B. Formal usage of a word is considered colloquial.

C. A syllable is a unit of sound.

D. A dictionary’s word entry offers a fixed, permanent meaning.

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago
!ts _a_ type

Favorite Answer

The answer is C.

The other 3 options are not true.

A. Foreign words are many times included in a dictionary.

B. Colloquial actually means informal

D. Words can often change meaning or have additional meanings.

So the only one that is true is option C

Good luck!


A few days ago
D is true and that is the problem with dictionary definitions since in usage the meaning of words changes.

A few days ago
I’d vote for C.