A few days ago

can any explain me wat hustle means?

there is this song and he says “When I hustle, baby I be thinking of you” and im not really sure wat hustle means..thanks =)

Top 8 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

hus·tle (hŭs’əl)


[Dutch husselen, to shake, from Middle Dutch hustelen frequentative of hutsen.]

verb: -tled, -tling, -tles.

transitive verb

To jostle or shove roughly.

To convey in a hurried or rough manner: hustled the prisoner into a van.

To cause or urge to proceed quickly: hustled the board into a quick decision.

To gain by energetic effort: hustled a hot lunch.


To sell or get by questionable or aggressive means: hustled stolen watches; hustling spare change.

To pressure into buying or doing something: a barfly hustling the other customers for drinks.

To misrepresent one’s skill in (a game or activity) in order to deceive someone, especially in gambling: hustle pool.

intransitive verb

To jostle and push.

To work or move energetically and rapidly: We hustled to get dinner ready on time.

To act aggressively, especially in business dealings.


To obtain something by deceitful or illicit means; practice theft or swindling.

To solicit customers. Used of a pimp or prostitute.

To misrepresent one’s ability in order to deceive someone, especially in gambling.


The act or an instance of jostling or shoving.

Energetic activity; drive.

Slang An illicit or unethical way of doing business or obtaining money; a fraud or deceit: “the most dangerous and wide-open drug hustle of them all” (Newsweek)


A few days ago
It’s either tricking someone or there is a dance called the hustle.

A few days ago
Here, you choose what you want the song to mean.


1. to proceed or work rapidly or energetically: to hustle about putting a house in order.

2. to push or force one’s way; jostle or shove.

3. to be aggressive, esp. in business or other financial dealings.

4. Slang. to earn one’s living by illicit or unethical means.

5. Slang. (of a prostitute) to solicit clients.

6. a fast, lively, popular ballroom dance evolving from Latin American, swing, rock, and disco dance styles, with a strong basic rhythm and simple step pattern augmented by strenuous turns, breaks, etc.


A few days ago
hustle is when u can get something from someone basically for a deal that is only beneficial to you…

EXAMPLE: you steal a hat worth 20 bucks…then u find some poor idiot to buy it from you for 50….


Some people shoot dice or play cards and the dice have weights to always land on certain numbers or you have the cards stacked,……lol…u hustled them…GOOD JOB!!


A few days ago
Hustle means making your money, making ends meat, doing whatever you can to make money, or it means to cheat someone out of something like money as in a pool hustler, when you pretend you suck at it just to get their money.

5 years ago
communication tchnology is associating surrealism with realism…and the fact it isnt removes the emotional conflict real communication ensues… my advise is dont read wilkepdia…unless u understand the contxt of vocab..and in brief txt IM LAN MSG TXT MSG EMAIL is all a way of diverting real time communication without havn to worry bout the consequence of action. And although protocol exists to main security…often esp emails and IM are the way to let in unwantd trojans, viruses, cookines etc that can cause the pc corruption, and mis use of data protection have fun x

A few days ago
hustle means to trick people into giving you something, its basically stealing from someone right in front of their face and they dont know it until later

P.S. stop listening to that crappy music.


A few days ago
its meaning depends on the purpose for which u use it.