A few days ago
earth lover!

working during school?

hi, i’m working at my college and i start classes on monday the 20th. i’ve looked at the work schedule and many of the students are working like 30 something hour weeks and i don’t know how this is possible, some even fourty. i thought students couldn’t work that many hours on campus… then, my boss changed my schedule without me knowing for the next ttuesday (not tomorrow but the next) i’m working right after class (2 until 8)… and i could work the first shift until 3:30, but not the entire night. i told her straight up i could work 10 hours and i just want to get settled in before i work more and she gave me about 16 (which isn’t much more).. but still. idk, i hope everything goes smoothly. should i just approach her and tell her that i can’t work that night? i mean, is it my bad that she changed the schedule without telling me.. she told me when i was working that week then handed out a new one today.

Top 1 Answers
A few days ago
that one guy

Favorite Answer

im registered for 17 credits the term… and ill work like 20 hrs at MOST… 15 works alot better…

but i try to keep it around 40 hrs… 17 credit hrs and 20 work hrs.. 37 hrs a week good enough for me!!